Monday, July 17, 2006

My Views On The "War On Terror"

I believe we could bring that war to a rapid end in relatively short order and with minimal loss of human life. Those who may perish would do so only out of what is commonly, though incorrectly, known as Darwinism. In other words, only the severely stupid would perish.

In August of 1945 the United States Army Air Force used the first of two nuclear weapons on the country of Japan. It was without doubt a terribly horrific action.

From a historical perspective, however, it was the only means with which to justify the end. And bringing a rapid end to WWII it did in fact achieve.

Zoom forward some 60+ years to now...

Never since have we used such a weapon. Even though the U.S. and other nations have been involved in many conflicts, none of these conflicts could ever have warranted the use of nuclear weaponry. The whole of the global community has never been threatened much like it was back in WWII.

Terrorism, however, is a true and inarguable global threat, brought about by a mass of fanatical religous zealots whose numbers I would guess outnumber that of the WWII-era populations of Germany and Japan combined.

The reason we've not annihated ourselves already is because we know we could wipe out the whole of the human species in a matter of days because of the domino retaliatory affect that dropping a nuclear weapon would bring about. Too many other nations now have the capability to also deploy nuclear weapons.

Terrorism is allowed to continue to exist unabated because entire nations exist which tolerate and foster its existence. Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and Libya are just some of these nations.

If I were allowed to be president of the United States for just one year, here is what I would do to eliminate terrorism...I'll try and state this as simply as I can, because I believe it's quite a simple approach.

Here are the sequence of events, which will lead to the action I would take as President Of The United States:

Terrorist attack occurs somewhere in the World causing significant loss of life.

Using the expertise and technology available within our country and others', we go through the forensic analysis process to determine the identities of the perpetrators.

In this case, we find there were only two perpetrators. Both of which were directly linked to Al Queda. One was from a small town in Syria by the name of Al Mayadin, which is on the Eastern-most border of Iraq.

The second perpetrator was born in El Maghra, Egypt, but spent the majority of his adult life in the town of Bu Hasa in the United Arab Emirates.

Upon the verification of this information, we would make declarations to both Syria and the UAE that in 60 days the towns of Al Mayadin and Bu Hasa would be leveled by nuclear weapons. The towns would effectively be removed from existence.

Our declarations would make our intentions quite clear and would include our directive to these countries to remove all inhabitants from those two towns.

Both Syria and the UAE have 60 days to ensure against loss of life by moving those people out of harn's way before we meet the date of declaration.

On day 60, we use our nuclear weapons. We destroy both of the fore mentioned towns. There is no negotiation from when we confirmed who and where the terrorists originated to when we meet the declared date of destruction of these two towns.

How many times do you think we would have to do such a thing before countries like Syria and Egypt, and all the others who sponsor terrorism, who watched us act on our declaration, begin to seriously work to shutdown and dismantle every form of support now provided to terror networks?

The end. I leave the office of the Presidency and go back to being just plain 'ol Bill.

I have no qualms about sharing of these views outside our e-mail exchange. In fact, if I knew of some place they might gain some visiblity, I'd post them there in a hearbeat.

I don't know if such an approach has ever been publicly discussed. I don't watch television unless somebody flies an airplane into a building or the Baltimore Orioles game is televised.

But if it has been broached before, why aren't we moving in this direction?

What the hell?

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